Hello, I'm Xiomara Ospina!

Mother, wife, and a passionate advocate for health and wellness. I was born in Bogotá, Colombia but I am currently based in Miami Beach, FL. My journey in this world began in March 1981, defying expectations from birth with club feet, a congenital anomaly in which the feet form downward and inward from birth.

Throughout my childhood and until I was 8 years old, I went through 3 surgeries on each foot, casts, and orthopedic treatments that helped me correct this condition, while also building my strength and appreciation for taking care of the body. In 2000, I left my country and my hometown to build a life with my husband in the United States. We are located in the beautiful city of Miami Beach, the same city where I was blessed to be a mother to a beautiful and very healthy boy whom we named Adrian.

In 2015, I decided to reset my life, leaving behind medications, treatments and my previous lifestyle. And I dove into the world of fitness, looking to build a strong and lean body.

With determination and exceeding expectations about my physical abilities, I chose to trust myself and pursue my dream of being a dancer. And in a short time, I was able to build a successful artistic career as a dancer and choreographer of Arabic dance, inspiring and sharing globally.

My journey to wellness began with health challenges that led me to rethink my approach to life forever. At 28 years old, I was diagnosed with an idiopathic hormonal disorder (of unknown origin) and was already sentenced to take medication for life. For years, I suffered from terrible acne, anxiety episodes and lived stressed out. I also suffered from migraines, my voice often went away, I had irregular and painful periods, low libido, and a lack of energy. 

And although I followed the medical recommendations disciplinedly, I did not experience improvements! But it was my inner conviction that there should be a solution to my problems, that led me to make a radical decision. 

Weight training became my new passion, I even participated in large bodybuilding competitions in South Florida, where I was awarded several trophies. 4 years on this path taught me the importance of nutrition in conjunction with exercise to achieve a fitness goal.

Therefore, in 2019, I immersed myself in the study of Functional Nutrition and Fasting with experts such as Dr. Carlos Jaramillo, Dr. Alberto Mohamed, Dr. Christina Lima, Dr. William Arias and Health Coach Gaby Ondrasek.

In 2021, I completed my training as Holistic Health Coach in one of the most recognized institutes in the United States, in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), where I also did a specialization in Hormonal Health.

And after exploring various diets on this long and confusing path, I found in the low-carb, carnivorous ketogenic diet a unique connection that not only benefited my physical health but also my mental health. And this motivated me to deepen my knowledge. So in 2022, I got certified as Low Carb Ketogenic Diet Coach in the Nutrition Network Institute (NNI) in South Africa. These studies gave me the tools to heal myself, transforming my diet and lifestyle.

And although I achieved physical and chemical balance, through nutrition, exercise, herbs and supplements, I felt like a vital piece was missing from the puzzle of my well-being. 

It was thanks to Dr. Bruce Lipton and his study of epigenetics that I discovered that essential piece: the spiritual dimension and the power of our thoughts.

I understood that to achieve full health, it was crucial to also address trauma healing, change limiting thoughts, and reprogram the subconscious mind. And that's when PSYCH-K® crossed my path; a belief change technique that allowed me to heal from the depths and connect with my authentic self. 

This discovery marked a comprehensive transformation in my approach to wellness, fusing epigenetics and quantum science with spirituality and the power of the mind. Driven by this experience, I decided to become certified as PSYCH-K®️ Facilitator with focus on Health and Wellbeing,

Today, I live the life I always wanted, feeling fulfilled inside and out. Now, my purpose is to guide you on your own journey towards holistic well-being. Thanks to my experience and training, I can now help you find your path and the solution to your condition. 

Welcome to a life of health, balance, and fulfillment!

Welcome to Back2Basics!

A private health coaching practice, where we focus on guiding you toward a healthy lifestyle through activity, exercise, mindset, and low-carb, carnivorous ketogenic nutrition. We recognize the importance of bioindividuality, understanding that each person goes through a unique process.

Our mission is to provide simple, natural and holistic tools that connect you with your authentic self, so that you achieve the comprehensive well-being that you carry innate within you. At Back2Basics we are committed to being your ally on the path to a healthier and more balanced life,

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  • Holistic Health Coach
  • Specialization in Hormonal Health
  • Certified in the management of Adaptogens
  • Low Carb Ketogenic Nutrition Coach
  • Gluten Free Practitioner
  • Certified in Autoimmune Diseases 
  • PSYCH-K®️ Facilitator: Basic, Advanced, Master, Health and Wellbeing, and Divine Integration Retreat
  • 018 NPC Prestige Crystal Cup. Bikini Fitness Champion, Masters category over 35 
  • 2018 NPC Prestige Crystal Cup. Bikini Fitness Champion, Masters category over 40
  • 2018 NPC Florida Grand Prix Second Place Bikini Fitness, Open Class.